By giving in to Big Oil, Obama seals his political fate | Grist http://t.co/IZ9me4P
By giving in to Big Oil, Obama seals his political fate | Grist http://t.co/IZ9me4P
Thanks for sharing great news! http://t.co/2pqIl5v @ibnezra, @naoumsense & @deCespedes
Thanks for sharing great news! http://t.co/2pqIl5v @ibnezra, @naoumsense & @deCespedes
Obama blows smog in everyone’s face | Grist http://t.co/H13Jxk3
Obama blows smog in everyone’s face | Grist http://t.co/H13Jxk3
GOP’s dirty air hit list sacrifices Americans’ health | Grist http://t.co/DmRYlAm
GOP’s dirty air hit list sacrifices Americans’ health | Grist http://t.co/DmRYlAm
My top news stories: http://t.co/iAEV9wG thanks Mud Baron, @ChuckVenck & Liberal Momma
My top news stories: http://t.co/iAEV9wG thanks Mud Baron, @ChuckVenck & Liberal Momma
WikiLeaks posts all US cables unredacted - Al Jazeera English http://t.co/5qQi1mQ
WikiLeaks posts all US cables unredacted - Al Jazeera English http://t.co/5qQi1mQ
RT @greenforyou: Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? #green http://t.co/1X0lqyY
RT @greenforyou: Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? #green http://t.co/1X0lqyY
Eric and Irene - Paul Krugman http://t.co/urdaE6k
Eric and Irene - Paul Krugman http://t.co/urdaE6k
If Congress Won’t Help, What Else Can The Fed Do To Boost The Economy? | The New Republic
RT @tnr: #Congress can't be trusted to sit the right way on a toilet seat, much less vote for the #Obama plan http://ow.ly/6klGz But wha ...
House GOP, Mission Accomplished http://t.co/Mmgv9mH
House GOP, Mission Accomplished http://t.co/Mmgv9mH
@DrSherrill http://t.co/fqenZNg not sure why that happened ...
@DrSherrill http://t.co/fqenZNg not sure why that happened ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day: September 3, 2011 - Comet Garradd Passes Ten Thousand Stars http://t.co/P72wh2Q
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Loom of the Land http://t.co/qso6EBp
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Loom of the Land http://t.co/qso6EBp
RT @grist: Most popular post: Obama blows smog in everyone’s face: http://t.co/r7OykE8
RT @grist: Most popular post: Obama blows smog in everyone’s face: http://t.co/r7OykE8
RT @grist: Critical List: Rick Perry loves nuclear waste; oil spills in Alabama http://t.co/5vo8xfj
RT @grist: Critical List: Rick Perry loves nuclear waste; oil spills in Alabama http://t.co/5vo8xfj
RT @grist: Don Cheadle’s Captain Planet is not taking any crap from you: http://t.co/k6jlYeG
RT @grist: Don Cheadle’s Captain Planet is not taking any crap from you: http://t.co/k6jlYeG
Daily Kos: Sometimes it’s easy: US Uncut exposes Rush Limbaugh with one simple question http://t.co/3xJGtxS
Daily Kos: EPA regulations create jobs, save lives http://t.co/cLI3M18
Daily Kos: EPA regulations create jobs, save lives http://t.co/cLI3M18
House Majority Doesn’t Have a Jobs Plan—Just More Attacks on Workers - Center for American Progress http://t.co/E7N7yFj
Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? - Skeptical Science http://t.co/ZQkXlGy
Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? - Skeptical Science http://t.co/ZQkXlGy
Science Journal Editor Resigns, Admits A Paper Doubting Man-Made Climate Change Should Not Have Been Published http://t.co/j2lkuRq
RT @TP_Green: Science Journal Editor Resigns, Admits A Paper Doubting Man-Made Climate Change Should Not Have Been Publ... http://t.co/l ...
An Ode to Teachers - NYTimes.com http://t.co/elf7qqE
An Ode to Teachers - NYTimes.com http://t.co/elf7qqE
Loom of the land - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds http://t.co/sO3lvQG
Loom of the land - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds http://t.co/sO3lvQG
Senator Sanders on Social Security http://t.co/EK8PBPA
Senator Sanders on Social Security http://t.co/EK8PBPA
CloudGate: Denialism Gets Dirty, Reputations Are At Stake : Greg Laden's Blog http://t.co/MBVfYWx
CloudGate: Denialism Gets Dirty, Reputations Are At Stake : Greg Laden's Blog http://t.co/MBVfYWx
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/AXKkvcu Loom of the land - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/AXKkvcu Loom of the land - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Green Jobs Reality Check: Clean Energy Still Means More and Better Jobs for American Workers | ThinkProgress http://t.co/YHh7O1f
RT @grist: Dear Earth, your planetary metabolism means nothing to us, because we are Texans and we have air conditioning: http://t.co/B2 ...
Appointments And The Evolving Constitutional Crisis | The New Republic
RT @tnr: The #Senate used to let the president confirm appointees who shared his views, blocking only the most corrupt http://ow.ly/6kb3 ...
In a cloud over ozone - Eugene Robinson - The Washington Post http://t.co/tLwNv3s
In a cloud over ozone - Eugene Robinson - The Washington Post http://t.co/tLwNv3s
3 Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law | MoveOn.Org
RT @MoveOn: 3 Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law
#GOP http://j.mp/oJnHMN -
Hey @bezzarguy, @shyone269 & @Liberalmomma, you showed up in my social summary! http://t.co/BEemPsH
Hey @bezzarguy, @shyone269 & @Liberalmomma, you showed up in my social summary! http://t.co/BEemPsH
RT @UN_Radio: Kazakhstan advocates for nuclear disarmament http://t.co/lTvy83g
RT @UN_Radio: Kazakhstan advocates for nuclear disarmament http://t.co/lTvy83g
Lewis Mumford on the City: Rare Footage from 1963 | Brain Pickings
RT @brainpicker: "The city multiplies man’s power to think, to remember, to educate, to communicate." Lewis Mumford, 1963 http://j.mp/nP25dA
279 Seconds Of Serious Civil Disobedience | MoveOn.Org
RT @MoveOn: 279 Seconds Of Serious Civil Disobedience #KeystoneXL #environment #climatechange http://j.mp/pZzyOa
Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 02, 2011 http://t.co/flhWiiJ
Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 02, 2011 http://t.co/flhWiiJ
RT @Sierra_Club: Tell Obama to Protect Clean Air! http://t.co/jvcPZJ5
RT @Sierra_Club: Tell Obama to Protect Clean Air! http://t.co/jvcPZJ5
RT @grist: Cheap alloy could produce zero-carbon hydrogen from sunlight: http://t.co/AgPZtLV
RT @grist: Cheap alloy could produce zero-carbon hydrogen from sunlight: http://t.co/AgPZtLV
The great work of the present for every man, and every organization of men, who would improve social condition… (cont) http://t.co/InSHTux
House GOP Proposes Ending Environmental Regulation That Saves Up To 36,000 Lives Each Year | ThinkProgress http://t.co/71ha0dQ
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/2yPeFUR Senator Sanders on Social Security
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/2yPeFUR Senator Sanders on Social Security
How Does Global Warming Make Hurricanes Like Irene More Destructive? | ThinkProgress http://t.co/QdKGfNn
McKibben: Pipeline Decision Tells Us “Whether It Would’ve Made Much Difference If We’d Elected Hillary Instead.” http://t.co/YIfngj3
RT @BarackObama: Friday Facts: early voting—states that offer it, who’s doing it, and why it’s important to protect it: http://t.co/H92TN4x
RT @drgrist: Awesome. RT @joshkahnrussell: Look at how many people are at our final civil disobedience training tonight! http://t.co/2t8 ...
RT @TP_Green: Storms Are Getting Stronger As More Budget Cuts Harm Technology To Monitor Storms: Our guest blogger is A... http://t.co/7 ...
RT @drgrist: My post: Conservatives just as wrong on climate economics as they are on climate science: http://t.co/vnvmSVt
Separating fact from fiction on the Keystone XL | Grist http://t.co/G1XIJqL
Separating fact from fiction on the Keystone XL | Grist http://t.co/G1XIJqL
Welcome To Your Conservative Recovery! | ThinkProgress http://t.co/vE99UHE
Welcome To Your Conservative Recovery! | ThinkProgress http://t.co/vE99UHE
RT @grist: By giving in to Big Oil, Obama seals his political fate: http://t.co/evzwT3p
RT @grist: By giving in to Big Oil, Obama seals his political fate: http://t.co/evzwT3p
RT @grist: Separating fact from fiction on the Keystone XL: http://t.co/UeAfhu2
RT @grist: Separating fact from fiction on the Keystone XL: http://t.co/UeAfhu2
RT @nicoleghio: Great videos from @TarSandsAction of the speeches today. Gitz Crazyboy speaking to crowd in Lafayette Park http://t.co/R ...
Wolfmother Live - Rockpalast - 2006 - Full http://t.co/HUbpxbc
Wolfmother Live - Rockpalast - 2006 - Full http://t.co/HUbpxbc
#unionmember | Join the #unionmember Tweet-a-Thon!
RT @witnessorg: RT @matissebh: This wknd in US we celebrate contributions of #unions to workers rights Happy Labor Day http://ow.ly/6jTGV
Jim Hansen: Call to President Obama http://t.co/P0QG3Ci
Jim Hansen: Call to President Obama http://t.co/P0QG3Ci
For EPA regulations, cost predictions are overstated | Grist http://t.co/bjPjIC8
For EPA regulations, cost predictions are overstated | Grist http://t.co/bjPjIC8
RT @thinkprogress: BREAKING: U.S. regulators suing 17 of the nation's largest banks http://t.co/A3Qk3wl
RT @environmentaide: First Nations and American Indian Leaders Arrested In Front Of White House To Protest Keystone XL Pipeline. ... htt ...
RT @AlterNet: Rich Lifestyles of the GOP's Starve-the-Poor Presidential Candidates http://t.co/ez7ovVK
RT @AlterNet: Private Sector Job Growth Offset by Slashed Public Sector Jobs http://t.co/u4kbgTS
RT @AlterNet: Private Sector Job Growth Offset by Slashed Public Sector Jobs http://t.co/u4kbgTS
Scientist: “The Murdoch Media Empire Has Cost Humanity Perhaps One or Two Decades in Battle Against Climate Change.” http://t.co/0hKOvcO
RT @NRDC: Great headline from @MotherJones: Obama to Breathers: Sorry, Wait Until 2013 http://t.co/qA7wWoj #cleanair
RT @drgrist: @Shoq They would prompt scrubber installations on lots of plants, yes ... which would CREATE jobs. http://t.co/ApsR7na
RT @drgrist: @Shoq Plenty more on this and other EPA rules here: http://t.co/mYPbAD6
RT @drgrist: @Shoq Plenty more on this and other EPA rules here: http://t.co/mYPbAD6
RT @AsViewedBy: http://t.co/Y6AVZ52 In other news, climate denialism fails. Shame on you, Rupert Murdoch. Via @JoshuaStarlight
RT @grist: Conservatives just as wrong on climate economics as they are on climate science http://t.co/l8P4fEO
Fatal Distraction - NYTimes.com
RT @LOLGOP: Going from jobs to deficit happened because the GOP won in 2010. That's our fault. http://j.mp/o1uKIb
RT @350: Plz RT: Tell @BarackObama to stand up to Big Oil and stop "the most destructive project on the planet" http://t.co/OybTN88 #nokxl
Fatal Distraction - Paul Krugman http://t.co/wO5sXmO
Fatal Distraction - Paul Krugman http://t.co/wO5sXmO
GOP’s dirty air hit list sacrifices Americans’ health http://t.co/CQgcfRw
GOP’s dirty air hit list sacrifices Americans’ health http://t.co/CQgcfRw
RT @glennhurowitz: New @Grist: Wheezing kids + no jobs + caving to big oil does not a reelection make. http://t.co/EmyirIg
EPA regulations create jobs, save lives - Daily Kos http://t.co/wEiLvI8
EPA regulations create jobs, save lives - Daily Kos http://t.co/wEiLvI8
RT @TPHealth: One Woman’s Lawsuit Against Idaho’s ‘Fetal Pain’ Law May Be Headed To The Supreme Court http://t.co/qhcuaCA
RT @tnr: $1,197,000,000,000: The amount of US dollars spent on the wars in #Iraq and #Afghanistan, as of June http://ow.ly/6k5Br
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/Tuqh7gN Jim Hansen: Call to President Obama
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/Tuqh7gN Jim Hansen: Call to President Obama
RT @amprog: Want #jobs? Let's make it easier for investors to spur innovation in the clean #energy industry http://t.co/XCKCisd @Hendric ...
How Does Global Warming Make Hurricanes Like Irene More Destructive? | ThinkProgress
How Does Global Warming Make Hurricanes Like Irene More Destructive? | ThinkProgress http://j.mp/mXNY09 (via Instapaper)
RT @dailykos: EPA regulations create jobs, save lives http://t.co/IEMA3CF
RT @dailykos: EPA regulations create jobs, save lives http://t.co/IEMA3CF
RT @EnvDefenseFund: Mother Love is a Force of Nature http://t.co/qvBLFNW
RT @EnvDefenseFund: Mother Love is a Force of Nature http://t.co/qvBLFNW
Green Jobs Reality Check: Clean Energy Still Means More and Better Jobs for American Workers | ThinkProgress http://j.mp/mP72BV
Daily Kos: EPA regulations create jobs, save lives
RT @foe_us: Note to #Obama: Clean air regulations create jobs and save lives. http://ow.ly/6kcvV
RT @350: HOPE --> Noami Klein + 1,000 people arrested at the @WhiteHouse to stop the Tar Sands, http://j.mp/qRk2hP #nokxl #climate
Day 14: Author Naomi Klein and Indigenous Leaders Join Keystone Tar Sands Pipeline Protest - Tar Sands Action http://t.co/t0STnfT
RT @pembina: Video: Top #climate scientist James Hansen - why he & 1000 others arrested vs. #KeystoneXL #pipeline http://t.co/nN3PAXT #o ...
House GOP Proposes Ending Environmental Regulation That Saves Up To 36,000 Lives Each Year | ThinkProgress http://j.mp/oqke80
Jim Hansen: Call to President Obama - Tar Sands Action http://t.co/Qn7ATor
Jim Hansen: Call to President Obama - Tar Sands Action http://t.co/Qn7ATor
Hey @Bobby98104, @Sethenyah & @BradyMedia, you showed up in my social summary! http://t.co/Ua2Nmbr
Hey @Bobby98104, @Sethenyah & @BradyMedia, you showed up in my social summary! http://t.co/Ua2Nmbr
NASA’s Dr. James Hansen: “Someone worthy of our dreams” | Tar Sands Action
RT @TarSandsAction: A must-watch. Thanks Dr. Hansen! RT @Agent350: A gorgeous, powerful video of Dr. James Hansen at @tarsandsaction: ht ...
Food security - millions still cannot afford enough to eat - Public Service Europe
RT @ClimateReality: Climate change contributes to food price increases in Yemen during Ramadan http://ow.ly/6iIBr
Earth Sol Milky Way Home Galaxy Local Group Virgo Supercluster Imagination Station Celestial Citadel
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Saturday, September 3, 2011
Love Everyone Often 09/03/2011
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