Terrorism Expert: Since 9/11, Only 33 Deaths From Muslim Terrorism Vs. 150,000 Deaths From Murders | ThinkProgress http://t.co/lrHTh8o
PFAW Foundation Helps Launch "Constitutional Progressives" | People For the American Way
RT @peoplefor: PFAW Foundation helps launch "Constitutional Progressives," an effort to defend the WHOLE Constitution: http://t.co/rXLHzgj
How to Help Troy Davis | The Nation
RT @SarahCoughlon: Troy Davis is about to be executed by the state of Georgia for a crime he didn't commit: get the facts, spread the wo ...
Pacha's Pajamas: Scaling the Environmental Movement via... - Eventbrite
Check out the live @PachasPajamas show at "Scaling the Environmental Movement via Edutainment" http://ow.ly/6uhaJ #free
– Pacha (pachaspajamas) http://twitter.com/pachaspajamas/status/114002253517561856 -
Americans turned to public health insurance in 2010 | Reuters
RT @AFLCIO: READING: Americans turned to public #health insurance in 2010 http://ow.ly/6ugwh #healthcare #1u #p2
U.S. should ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty - latimes.com
RT @globalzero: Ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty http://ow.ly/6u5A1 via @latimes
Worlds largest firms acting on climate change, analysis shows | Environment ... - StumbleUpon
Climate is central to business strategy of 68% of the world's 500 largest companies, compared with 48% last year. http://t.co/j6V8CFA
?u=271799409950e04b74dc64a36&id=f04bf4b0c9&e=a08e83974b from... - StumbleUpon
The Balance Sheet - The Elephant In The Super Committee Hearing | The American Prospect http://t.co/XztiP00
Authors join 'tweetathon' in support of short stories | Books | guardian.co.uk
RT @neilhimself: The tweeting of short stories, to change the BBC's mind: http://t.co/C5d7d3j
Evangelical pastors jump into the 2012 political fray - latimes.com
RT @umairh: When democracy fails, numerous other systems compete to fill the void. From oligarchy to...theocracy. http://t.co/i6UF0va
Top 10 Reasons Why Green Jobs Are Vital to Our Economy | ThinkProgress
Top 10 Reasons Why Green Jobs Are Vital to Our Economy | ThinkProgress http://t.co/j2TNoWz
RT @climateprogress: Will the Debt Ceiling Deal Mean Cuts to Climate Assistance, Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response? http://t.co/jMYcDOg
Exxon Makes Billion-Dollar Bet Climate Change is Real, Here Now and Going to Get Worse But Keeps Funding Deniers http://t.co/uw8qro8
RT @UNrightswire: How to ensure human rights amid peaceful #protests? Summary of #UN #HumanRights Council panel discussion: http://t.co/ ...
World's largest firms 'acting on climate change', analysis shows | Environment | guardian.co.uk
RT @guardianeco: World's largest firms 'acting on climate change', analysis shows http://t.co/oQnCtgK
super-committee-riven-by-major-divide-over-basic-fact.php from... - StumbleUpon
Super Committee Riven By Major Divide Over Basic Facts | TPMDC http://t.co/ys5mIFk
Conservative Budget Cuts Bad for State Economies - StumbleUpon
Conservative Budget Cuts Bad for State Economies: The Greater the Spending Cuts, the Worse Off Our Middle Class Is http://t.co/auetDva
RT @SenatorSanders: Sen. Sanders will be on the Bill Press Show @BPShow at 7:30amET. You can listen live here: http://t.co/jgQW1pE
Michael Moore: I was the most hated man in America | Books | The Guardian
Michael Moore: I was the most hated man in America | Books | The Guardian http://t.co/Imsld25
Joshua Oakley: "An idealist believes the s…" « Deck.ly
An idealist believes the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist beli… (cont) http://t.co/2M1Z1Tf
The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does… (cont) http://t.co/QCUfFTy
John Maynard Keynes - Wikiquote
Ideas shape the course of history. - John Maynard Keynes http://t.co/tu48kuO
Al Gore - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central Video
Al Gore - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central http://t.co/LPCdCYe
Joshua Oakley: ""It is preoccupation with …" « Deck.ly
"It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.… (cont) http://t.co/kN4bUKH
Stop Slandering Social Security! A List Of Ponzi Schemes That Were Actually... - StumbleUpon
Stop Slandering Social Security! A List Of Ponzi Schemes That Were Actually Frauds. The New Republic http://t.co/nA6WUm3
The GOP's Genius Plan to Beat Obama in 2012 | Mother Jones
RT @MotherJones: The GOP's Genius Plan to Beat Obama in 2012: http://t.co/S2ZMeWp
RT @MotherJones: The GOP's surprisingly genius plan to beat Obama in 2012: http://t.co/dXJgRQS #p2 -
371418 from causes.com - StumbleUpon
My Birthday Wish is in honor of the historical example of Native American wisdom & sustainable agriculture & ecology. http://t.co/gVhzvt8
Ron Paul 2012 - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central Video
Ron Paul 2012 - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central http://t.co/EDVxXYv
Barack Obama's American Jobs Act - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy… http://t.co/YDMc50R
CNN/Tea Party Republican Debate - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy… http://t.co/Ri3s0t4
President Obama on how the American Jobs Act will Modernize America's Schools Video
President Obama on how the American Jobs Act will Modernize America's Schools http://t.co/OEb1TG7
President Obama Answers Questions on the American Jobs Act Video
President Obama Answers Questions on the American Jobs Act http://t.co/PkjsmQK
Paul Krugman - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central Video
Paul Krugman - The Colbert Report - 2011-13-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central http://t.co/OEtd3eG
Elizabeth Warren: Markets Need to Be Regulated Video
Elizabeth Warren: Markets Need to Be Regulated http://t.co/wvytF8F
Joshua Oakley: "Leaving aside the perspect…" « Deck.ly
Leaving aside the perspective of spiritual practice, even in worldly terms, in terms of our enjoying a happ… (cont) http://t.co/Qx7qRgl
Joshua Oakley - Dreams Poetry Visions Imagination
"In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas… http://t.co/7ay219t
President Obama Answers Questions on the American Jobs Act - YouTube
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/7xxUABH President Obama Answers Questions on the American Jobs Act
Al Gore Shuns Rick Perry, Outs the Host on Colbert Report - StumbleUpon
Al Gore Shuns Rick Perry, Outs the Host on Colbert Report http://t.co/88hlUNX
Ron Pauls Campaign Manager Died of Pneumonia, Penniless and Uninsured - StumbleUpon
Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Died of Pneumonia, Penniless and Uninsured http://t.co/rhLa1wU
President Obama on how the American Jobs Act will Modernize America's Schools - YouTube
I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/PUKXI2Q President Obama on how the American Jobs Act will Modernize
Unemployment in the West: The quest for jobs | The Economist - StumbleUpon
Unemployment in the West: The quest for jobs | The Economist http://t.co/I8kWHiK
It's Official: Elizabeth Warren Running for Senate - Politics - The... - StumbleUpon
It's Official: Elizabeth Warren Running for Senate - Politics - The Atlantic Wire http://t.co/H4AxAOk
Record 46.2 million Americans live in poverty, Census Bureau says - latimes.com - StumbleUpon
Record 46.2 million Americans live in poverty, Census Bureau says http://t.co/KS0jHNN
Hey GOP 2012ers: You Lie! | Mother Jones - StumbleUpon
Let's cut to the chase: The GOP presidential field is a pack of liars. http://t.co/93sptvs
watch?v=eQrc81Coemk from youtube.com - StumbleUpon
Elizabeth Warren: Markets Need to Be Regulated http://t.co/KNM217e
Elizabeth Warren: Markets Need to Be Regulated - YouTube
I favorited a @YouTube video from @zyxek http://t.co/RKPnLgV Elizabeth Warren: Markets Need to Be Regulated
Elizabeth Warren: The Danger of Losing the Middle Class - YouTube
I favorited a @YouTube video from @zyxek http://t.co/7ZYZV8K Elizabeth Warren: The Danger of Losing the Middle
are_jobs_on_their_way_to_becoming_obsolete_and_is_that_a_good_thing from... - StumbleUpon
Are Jobs on Their Way to Becoming Obsolete? And Is That a Good Thing? | | AlterNet http://t.co/ArbUEOW
Daily Kos: Democratic Strategist Says Christian Right is the Most Powerful... - StumbleUpon
Daily Kos: Democratic Strategist Says Christian Right is the Most Powerful Force in Politics http://t.co/RSsGn9b
The Ghost Of Tom Joad: New Census Reports Shows Poverty Rising, Median... - StumbleUpon
The Ghost Of Tom Joad: New Census Reports Shows Poverty Rising, Median Income Falling. | The New Republic http://t.co/PnNq9zI
George Bernard Shaw - Wikiquote
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" - George Bernard Shaw http://t.co/QCOF11d
Stop Slandering Social Security! A List Of Ponzi Schemes That Were Actually Frauds. The New Republic
RT @tnr: The most buzzword-y #lie from the #GOP #debate is that #socialsecurity is a "Ponzi scheme" http://ow.ly/6ttcN
What is public science, and why do you need it? - StumbleUpon
What is public science, and why do you need it? http://t.co/5hWQ6bI
Obama vs. Bush: Who’s the Bigger Tax Cutter? - StumbleUpon
President Obama will have signed into law series of tax cuts exceeding value of those signed into law by President Bush. http://t.co/tBN0inR
stop_ocean_clear_cutting from avaaz.org - StumbleUpon
Avaaz - 48 hours to end ocean clear-cuts http://t.co/ShN53e9
The Rise Of Debt Ceiling Denial | The New Republic
RT @tnr: We're going to correct a few #lies from the #GOP #debate. First, that the #debtceiling extension was a "blank check" http://ow. ...
Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Died of Pneumonia, Penniless and Uninsured
RT @Gawker: Ron Paul’s Campaign Manager Died of Pneumonia, Penniless and Uninsured http://t.co/WEQofEd
Unemployment in the West: The quest for jobs | The Economist
RT @TheEconomist: It is not impossible for politicians to reduce the West’s frighteningly high #unemployment levels http://t.co/W2M3Ikm
PolitiFact | Rick Perry says the 2009 stimulus created zero jobs - StumbleUpon
PolitiFact | Rick Perry says the 2009 stimulus 'created zero jobs,' gets "Pants on Fire" liar score from Truth-O-Meter. http://t.co/X1Oaksj
PolitiFact gives Rick Perry Truth-O-Meter "Pants On Fire" for claiming 2009 stimulus 'created zero jobs' http://t.co/X1Oaksj -
First Read - Perry taken aback by debate crowd reaction - StumbleUpon
Even Rick Perry shocked by reaction of Tea Party audience to prospect of letting young man die because he is uninsured. http://t.co/2CU59gf
181323-obamas-jobs-plan-would-make-it-illegal-to-discriminate-against-the-une... - StumbleUpon
Obama's bill makes it illegal to discriminate against unemployed - The Hill's Floor Action http://t.co/OuUAEcY
Huntsman staffer says she is ‘sick and sad’ for the Republican Party aft... - StumbleUpon
Huntsman staffer says she is ‘sick and sad’ for the Republican Party after watching presidential debates http://t.co/N7tNIzs
Daily Kos: That was my brothers death you were cheering, you a$$holes - StumbleUpon
Daily Kos: That was my brother's death you were cheering, you a$$holes http://t.co/Gtd4BKt
-FDR-and-the-New-Deal-Did-Not-Prolong-the-Great-Depression from dailykos.com - StumbleUpon
Daily Kos: FDR and the New Deal Did Not Prolong the Great Depression http://t.co/7LxBWqE
-The-Framers-Constitution:-Exposing-Conservative-Myths-And-Reframing-The-Deba... - StumbleUpon
Daily Kos: The Framers' Constitution: Exposing Conservative Myths And Reframing The Debate http://t.co/OEfK8Fs
APOD: 2011 September 14 - The Bubble and M52 - StumbleUpon
APOD: 2011 September 14 - The Bubble and M52 http://t.co/j5Q63WN
Shockingly Petty: News Corp. Outlets Attack Obama Over Paper Clip | Media... - StumbleUpon
Shockingly Petty: News Corp. Outlets Attack Obama Over Paper Clip | Media Matters for America http://t.co/QoPimwJ
RT @tnr: US #poverty at highest since the 60s. As #Springsteen said, it's high times on Wall Street and hard times on Main Street http:/ ...
The economics of happiness - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
The economics of happiness - Opinion - Al Jazeera English http://t.co/7DrJT7N
let-him-die from thinkprogress.org - StumbleUpon
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) explained that letting uninsured die rather than offer assistance is “what freedom is all about.” http://t.co/d3ezkCk
181081-obama-tax-the-rich-to-pay-for-the-jobs-bill from thehill.com - StumbleUpon
Obama to Congress: Tax rich Americans to pay for $447B jobs-creation bill - TheHill.com http://t.co/S7ZTsmn
Barney Frank: Republicans Don't Want the Economy or Obama to Succeed | Video Cafe
Barney Frank: Republicans Don't Want the Economy or Obama to Succeed | Video Cafe http://t.co/Ew8RmAs
Interesting Times: Obama Against the Nihilists : The New Yorker
Interesting Times: Obama Against the Nihilists : The New Yorker http://t.co/yR8RDP7
TED Blog | Curating humanity's heritage: Elizabeth Lindsey on TED.com - StumbleUpon
TED Blog | Curating humanity’s heritage: Elizabeth Lindsey on TED.com http://t.co/Qy74vae
The Enlightened Rich Want to Be Taxed - NYTimes.com
The Enlightened Rich Want to Be Taxed - NYTimes.com http://t.co/bpvlXUh
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Love Everyone Often 09/14/2011
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