McConnell: Police, Firefighter Layoffs Not My Problem | Video Cafe http://t.co/0129pSgY
McConnell: Police, Firefighter Layoffs Not My Problem | Video Cafe http://t.co/0129pSgY
Huge turnout in Tunisia's Arab Spring election | Reuters http://t.co/Oqqy23n0
Huge turnout in Tunisia's Arab Spring election | Reuters http://t.co/Oqqy23n0
Scott Greenwalt | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Scott Greenwalt http://t.co/kniBao9Y
Oakland Police Turn on #OWS With Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, Flash-Bang Grenades | Mother Jones http://t.co/6P03AQme
M83 - America http://t.co/kJehuzrc
Van Jones: All Eyes on Occupy Oakland: Too Big to Fail, Too Big To Jail http://t.co/MMVYVkuS
Van Jones: All Eyes on Occupy Oakland: Too Big to Fail, Too Big To Jail http://t.co/MMVYVkuS
All Eyes on Occupy Oakland: Too Big to Fail, Too Big To Jail - Van Jones and Jakada Imani http://t.co/AeAXuJAV
http://t.co/cW0c7QUH http://t.co/c7yOCgo9
http://t.co/cW0c7QUH http://t.co/c7yOCgo9
Insane Cain Posse: Why Herman Cain’s Goofy Strategy Is Working | The New Republic
http://t.co/cW0c7QUH http://t.co/c7yOCgo9
M83 - America http://t.co/6wfOAt6R
M83 - America http://t.co/6wfOAt6R
Bush Had Generated More Regulations At This Point In His Presidency Than Obama | ThinkProgress http://t.co/hJQq1gxx
OccupyforAccountability Launches With Campaign Urging Criminal Investigation Of Clarence Thomas | Crooks and Liars http://t.co/K860xWKT
Bush Had Generated More Regulations At This Point In His Presidency Than Obama | ThinkProgress http://t.co/b3QEc7x3
Top Ten Occupy Wall Street Cartoons | ThinkProgress http://t.co/gCOYjuyf
Top Ten Occupy Wall Street Cartoons | ThinkProgress http://t.co/gCOYjuyf
http://t.co/E5GAgbCF http://t.co/wZy5cXPH
http://t.co/E5GAgbCF http://t.co/wZy5cXPH
http://t.co/w7h1RIXf http://t.co/aQl3R3Ey
http://t.co/w7h1RIXf http://t.co/aQl3R3Ey
http://t.co/KDftHZsa http://t.co/tPEP4nys
http://t.co/KDftHZsa http://t.co/tPEP4nys
How President Obama Is Helping Lower Monthly Student Loan Payments | The White House
http://t.co/E5GAgbCF http://t.co/wZy5cXPH
Obama in Colorado pushing student loan relief - CNN.com
http://t.co/w7h1RIXf http://t.co/aQl3R3Ey
Don't Be Evil, Google, Ctd - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast
http://t.co/KDftHZsa http://t.co/tPEP4nys
&It Always Seems Impossible Until It Is Done& http://t.co/HlgBilQU
&It Always Seems Impossible Until It Is Done& http://t.co/HlgBilQU
How President Obama Is Helping Lower Monthly Student Loan Payments | The White House http://t.co/chdpULxB
Obama in Colorado pushing student loan relief http://t.co/q6sVqDFZ http://t.co/q6sVqDFZ
Obama in Colorado pushing student loan relief http://t.co/q6sVqDFZ http://t.co/q6sVqDFZ
RT @AP: 24-year-old Marine who served 2 tours in Iraq suffers skull fracture in clash with police at Oakland #OWS protest: http://t.co/5 ...
RT @thinkprogress: Instead of unnecessary cuts to benefits, Dems on Super Committee should modernize Medicare http://t.co/HS7iHqfL
RT @drgrist: The injured protestor Oakland police threw a flash grenade at? He's an Iraq vet. And he's in critical condition. http://t.c ...
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter 1970 http://t.co/r3RCwHYE
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter 1970 http://t.co/r3RCwHYE
The Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter 1970 http://t.co/18EpZ6lq
The Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter 1970 http://t.co/18EpZ6lq
Paul Ryan Is Wrong: Talking About Income Inequality Isn't Dividing America, Actual Income Inequality Is | ThinkProgress http://t.co/iDsFUR46
Dems Get A Boost For Super Committee Tax Bump | TPMDC http://t.co/SJToRYBY
Dems Get A Boost For Super Committee Tax Bump | TPMDC http://t.co/SJToRYBY
Paul Ryan Is Wrong: Talking About Income Inequality Isn't Dividing America, Actual Income Inequality Is | ThinkProgress http://t.co/4S2VOX9r
Production of biofuel from forests will increase greenhouse emissions http://t.co/2VtfXjcz
Production of biofuel from forests will increase greenhouse emissions http://t.co/2VtfXjcz
http://t.co/lySaqHIe http://t.co/2RKjTpQc
http://t.co/lySaqHIe http://t.co/2RKjTpQc
The Truth Has A Well-Known, Well, You Know - http://t.co/FGfK5AjC http://t.co/ptZiuQyn
The Truth Has A Well-Known, Well, You Know - http://t.co/FGfK5AjC http://t.co/ptZiuQyn
Regulatory Uncertainty Debunked, Part Infinity | Mother Jones
http://t.co/lySaqHIe http://t.co/2RKjTpQc
http://t.co/clbmqQxo http://t.co/EomqsxFS
http://t.co/clbmqQxo http://t.co/EomqsxFS
Daily Kos: A Voice From the 1% http://t.co/5I0HScA5
Daily Kos: A Voice From the 1% http://t.co/5I0HScA5
Rep. Charles Rangel House Remarks on Redistribution of Wealth | C-SPAN
http://t.co/clbmqQxo http://t.co/EomqsxFS
One-percenter: why I support Occupy - Boing Boing http://t.co/JfXYOnGX
One-percenter: why I support Occupy - Boing Boing http://t.co/JfXYOnGX
The Truth Has A Well-Known, Well, You Know - Paul Krugman | http://t.co/FGfK5AjC http://t.co/vMij6dVl
Rep. Charles Rangel House Remarks on Redistribution of Wealth | C-SPAN http://t.co/16QfDuhj
Rep. Charles Rangel House Remarks on Redistribution of Wealth | C-SPAN http://t.co/16QfDuhj
Daily Kos: A Voice From the 1% http://t.co/oNBTo4mx
Daily Kos: A Voice From the 1% http://t.co/oNBTo4mx
Warming could exceed safe levels in this lifetime | Reuters http://t.co/UJb63oQi
Warming could exceed safe levels in this lifetime | Reuters http://t.co/UJb63oQi
http://t.co/98bCWvOk http://t.co/BBxFO5hA
http://t.co/98bCWvOk http://t.co/BBxFO5hA
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http://t.co/rlJx9shx http://t.co/bXoHjwGk
Charts: How the One Percent Doubled Their Income | Mother Jones
http://t.co/rlJx9shx http://t.co/bXoHjwGk
Colbert Delights In Cain's 'Smoking' New Ad (VIDEO) | Election 2012 http://t.co/DC0VVxDk
Colbert Delights In Cain's 'Smoking' New Ad (VIDEO) | Election 2012 http://t.co/DC0VVxDk
Joshua Oakley's Summary, October 26th 2011 - Summify
The latest leading news stories from my connections http://t.co/nGAhrbvE
Democracy Now! | Headlines for October 26, 2011
RT @democracynow: Bizarre @THEHermanCain Presidential Ad Goes Viral. http://t.co/Hi7ctNRH #2012 #GOP
The Right Word | The American Prospect
RT @theprospect: Can't understand what Perry's saying in debates? You're not alone. Check out our dictionary of all the Frank Luntz-isms ...
RT @AJEnglish: Feature: Herman Cain says he may use #US troops "with real guns and real bullets" to stop illegal immigration http://t.co ...
RT @AJEnglish: Feature: Presidential candidate Herman Cain said "Many of the Muslims, they are not totally dedicated to this country" ht ... -
http://t.co/ERXocuz8 http://t.co/G9X99XKw
http://t.co/ERXocuz8 http://t.co/G9X99XKw
OWSs Beef: Wall Street Isnt Winning Its Cheating | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone http://t.co/eAkVAaSQ
OWSs Beef: Wall Street Isnt Winning Its Cheating | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone http://t.co/eAkVAaSQ
Photos: At Occupy Oakland, a Night of Protests and Tear Gas - Politics - GOOD
http://t.co/ERXocuz8 http://t.co/G9X99XKw
Stephen King's Dark Tower is coming to HBO http://t.co/0dv7mIJe
Stephen King's Dark Tower is coming to HBO http://t.co/0dv7mIJe
'Riveting Circumstantial Evidence' | Talking Points Memo http://t.co/o41ukIXK
'Riveting Circumstantial Evidence' | Talking Points Memo http://t.co/o41ukIXK
OWS's Beef: Wall Street Isn't Winning It's Cheating | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone http://t.co/w8rH9qcD
LibreOffice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://t.co/sVD34gHQ
LibreOffice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://t.co/sVD34gHQ
CIA Kidnapped, Tortured the "Wrong Guy," Says Former Agency Operative Glenn Carle | Truthout http://t.co/0fcjo5jo
Top Earners Doubled Share of Nation's Income, C.B.O. Says - http://t.co/FGfK5AjC http://t.co/1fjThR9c
Top Earners Doubled Share of Nation’s Income, C.B.O. Says - http://t.co/FGfK5AjC http://t.co/D9FbHScU
http://t.co/vZlUg1hV http://t.co/19chkFMk
http://t.co/vZlUg1hV http://t.co/19chkFMk
http://t.co/vZlUg1hV http://t.co/19chkFMk
Budget Area Map | The White House http://t.co/ANUuq2zS
Budget Area Map | The White House http://t.co/ANUuq2zS
Rep. Ryan: 'Buffett Rule' an example of 'class warfare' - The Hill's On The Money
RT @TPEconomy: Paul Ryan: "No one thinks" millionaires should pay lower taxes than bus drivers. Except, evidently, Paul Ryan. http://t.c ...
Copying: It's A Good Thing | ThinkProgress http://t.co/7Q499QoA
Copying: It's A Good Thing | ThinkProgress http://t.co/7Q499QoA
Cosmic Voyage (1080p) http://t.co/DJyjnGNF
Siskel & Ebert '80s Outtakes Video
Siskel & Ebert '80s Outtakes http://t.co/mWtoPtV6
News October 26 - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont
RT @SenatorSanders: Today's news from Sen. Bernie Sanders: http://t.co/N8xCwgbc #Vt #BTV #occupy #noKXL #LIHEAP #Fed
http://t.co/slK57OT1 http://t.co/sXbijbl1
http://t.co/slK57OT1 http://t.co/sXbijbl1
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Cosmic Voyage (1080p) http://t.co/sBiyaLYz
Cosmic Voyage (1080p) http://t.co/sBiyaLYz
Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% | Society | Vanity Fair http://t.co/Vhwo7K64
Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% | Society | Vanity Fair http://t.co/Vhwo7K64
RT @democracynow: #OccupyWallStreet is about "expressing dissent to the system itself" says @GGreenwald on Democracy Now! http://t.co/aQ ...
RT @democracynow: Amy Goodman speaks at the University of Alberta in #Edmonton on Oct. 29. Free public event. Info: http://t.co/2BY6FSpp
US-Style Emissions a 'Disaster' | China Power http://t.co/OP4hoH2i
US-Style Emissions a 'Disaster' | China Power http://t.co/OP4hoH2i
Meditation will bring you sensitivity, a great sense of belonging to the world. It is our world - the stars ar… (cont) http://t.co/qTtc96zE
Clean Environment Smackdown: Stephen Colbert and Former EPA Chief Carol Browner Debate | ThinkProgress http://t.co/UnEqoQgt
"Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he were what… http://t.co/sYlG5LE0
RT @AJEnglish: Opinion: Truths, facts and facts on the ground http://t.co/x71CRliD
If Obama Looks to Sen. Bennet for Winning Strategy, He Needs to Make a Major Issue of Global Warming and Clean Energy http://t.co/d5dgJRlW
Public Enemy - Fight The Power (Full 7 Min. Version) Video
Public Enemy - Fight The Power (Full 7 Min. Version) http://t.co/lmPemwYh
birther_oathkeeper_convicted_of_attempted_courthou.php from... - StumbleUpon
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Birther Oathkeeper Convicted In Attempted Courthouse Takeover | TPMMuckraker
http://t.co/uJt75OQZ http://t.co/QiSAapPI
Whiny Conspiracy Theorist Gets Yelled at by Rock Star http://t.co/miGZsV6e
Whiny Conspiracy Theorist Gets Yelled at by Rock Star http://t.co/miGZsV6e
RT @FCNL: CBO confirms an issue Occupy Wall Street is raising: Top 1% doubled their share of national income in last 3 decades. http://t ...
Why Is the CIA Keeping Climate Change Secret?: Scientific American Podcast http://t.co/lBXkS0iq
Why Is the CIA Keeping Climate Change Secret?: Scientific American Podcast http://t.co/lBXkS0iq
RT @AJEnglish: Tibetan monk 'sets himself ablaze' in China http://t.co/UsqFTjTT
Earth Sol Milky Way Home Galaxy Local Group Virgo Supercluster Imagination Station Celestial Citadel
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Love Everyone Often 10/27/2011
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