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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dear users, we are aware of the recent influx of scam-spamming bots

Over the last few weeks, our subreddit has been absolutely inundated with a plague of bots that spam threads with links to their shitty scam websites. We are aware of this issue and are doing our best to combat it. We have set up numerous automod rules in an attempt to catch them before they can get any of our users, but they shift tactics regularly.When we see these comments, we do our best to deal with it immediately, but this is an extremely active subreddit and we can't monitor every thread in real-time. We need your help. Do not click any links to stores in our comment threads. If you see any store links posted by anyone except OP, please report the comment immediately. Content creators that have stores, please make sure you have posted a link to your store in your profile bio.Please work with us to help keep this one of the highest quality and cleanest subreddits on the site. We can get through this together. via /r/spaceporn

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